Please Note: Welding Courses are not currently available until further notice.
1 Day Welding Course
Safety in the selected welding process
Fundamentals of the selected welding process
Five learning outcomes
Four Practical welding skills
Learner Outcomes
Produce a lap fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a butt weld in flat position
Produce a tee fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a corner weld in flat position
Process knowledge and Health and Safety requirements
Day 1
Health and Safety
Hazards Associated with the process
Selected Welding Process description
Machine Controls/set up
Gas Cylinders
Regulator/flow meters
Equipment Required
Torch Position and Consumables
Modes of Transfer
Welding Positions
Practical Welding Activity ( Butt joint and Corner joint (PA Flat position)
Practical Welding Activity ( T-joint and Lap joint (PB Horizontal vertical position)
2 Day Welding Course
Safety in the selected welding process
Fundamentals of the selected process
Six learning outcomes
Five Practical welding skills
Learner Outcomes
Produce beads on plate in flat position
Produce a lap fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a butt weld in flat position
Produce a tee fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a corner weld in flat position
Process knowledge and Health and Safety requirements
Day 1
Health and Safety
Hazards Associated with the selected Process
Selected Welding Process description
Machine Controls
Gas Cylinders
Regulator/flow meters
Practical Welding Activity (Welding Beads on Plate (PA Flat Position)
Day 2
Recap Health and Safety
Process Recap
Equipment Required
Machine set up
Torch Position and Consumables
Modes of Transfer
Welding Position
Practical Welding Activity ( Butt joint and Corner joint (PA Flat position)
Practical Welding Activity ( T-joint and Lap joint (PB Horizontal vertical position)
3 Day Welding Course
Safety in the selected welding process
Fundamentals of the selected welding process
Six learning outcomes
Five Practical welding skills
Learner Outcomes
Produce beads on plate in flat position
Produce a lap fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a butt weld in flat position
Produce a tee fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a corner weld in flat position
Process knowledge and Health and Safety requirements
Day 1
Health and Safety
Hazards Associated with the selected welding process
Selected Welding Process description
Machine Controls
Practical Welding Activity (Welding Beads on Plate (PA Flat Position)
Day 2
Recap Health and Safety
Process Recap
Equipment Required
Machine set up
Torch Position and Consumables
Modes of Transfer
Practical Welding Activity (T-joint and Lap joint (PB Horizontal vertical position)
Day 3
Recap Health and Safety
Process Recap
Gas Cylinders
Regulator/flow meters
Welding Position
Practical Welding Activity (T-joint and Corner joint (PA Flat position)
1 Day Spot Welding Course
Health and Safety
Process Description
Process Principles
Resistance Welding Essentials
Types of Current
The Selection of Spot Welding Equipment
Factors to Consider
Effects of Material and Arm’s Length
Arm’s Length/Throat Depth
1 Day Laser Welding Course
Safety in the selected welding process
Fundamentals of laser welding process
Five learning outcomes
Four Practical welding skills
Learner Outcomes
Produce a lap fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a butt weld in flat position
Produce a tee fillet weld in horizontal-vertical position
Produce a corner weld in flat position
Process knowledge and Health and Safety requirements
Day 1
Health and Safety
Hazards Associated with the process
Laser Welding Process description
Machine Controls/set up
Gas Cylinders
Regulator/flow meters
Equipment Required
Practical Welding Activity ( Butt joint and Corner joint (PA Flat position)
Practical Welding Activity ( T-joint and Lap joint (PB Horizontal vertical position)
1 Day Plasma Cutting Course
To explain the principles of Plasma
To identify the components to commence Plasma arc cutting
To identify and explain the controls for the Plasma arc cutting process
To identify the key features and benefits of the Plasma arc cutting process
To give guidance on the selection of appropriate equipment for Plasma arc cutting
Key Learning Points
When the module is complete, the trainee should understand the following:
The meaning of Plasma arc cutting abbreviations and terminology
The different types of Plasma arc cutting
The equipment used for common applications
Common cutting problems, identification and rectification
Process relationship with other arc processes
The selection of appropriate Plasma arc cutting equipment