The Wilkinson Academy is a "state of the art" technology training centre in Manchester that provides high-quality certified courses to meet the needs of UK industry and beyond.
Founded in 2010, the training centre has provided excellent training, demonstrations and support services to a wide range of customers with varied abilities and requirements.
Offering 11 dedicated welding bays and the very latest laser welding system working within a cell enclosure coupled with experienced and friendly trainers and the very latest equipment you can be guaranteed of receiving the best training in our purpose designed welder training facility.

The Wilkinson Welding Training Academy is located at Wilkinson Star Ltd in Manchester, UK. With over 50 years’ experience, the company are passionate about bringing quality products to industrial markets.
Working to ISO9001 quality standards, our 100 strong team working throughout the UK and Europe provide professional technical, sales and customer service support throughout the World.